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Foundation Repair

The old adage, “a house must be built on a solid foundation if it is to last”, rings all to true when you begin to notice the signs of foundation problems. Cracks in the walls, windows and doors begin to stick or won’t open at all, floors begin to settle and become uneven. Finally you notice your foundation sinking into the ground, seemingly being swallowed up by the ground you home is built upon. You may be thinking your home is falling apart at the seams. The Truth is, it may very well be due to a failing foundation.

Foundation Repair Services

Cracks in walls and ceilings

Doors and windows sticking

Sloping or uneven floors

Noticeable foundation cracks

Separation between walls and floors

Why is My Foundation Sinking?

In many cases, the expansion or consolidation of the soil that supports your house results in foundation movement. In general, differential settlement, (sinking), occurs when soil under a footing, compresses. The cause of soil compression could be either;

Moistening of the subgrade soil by water infiltration.

Drying of clay-like soils.

Crumbling of decomposing organics in a subterranean layer.

Inadequate or non-uniform compaction of the soil prior to construction of the foundation.

Additional loading applied to an existing foundation through structural additions / expansions / modifications.

Hillside slope creep due to an adjacent slope slowly shifting.

Inadequate drainage of surface water, either from rain or irrigation, away from the home often contributes to subgrade soil saturation. This is the number one cause for foundation problems in Southern California.

Other Causes of Settlement

  • Roots intrusion underneath your foundation.
  • Sewer or water supply line leaks, including irrigation lines, pool plumbing, and even city supply lines.
  • New heavier roof replacements- Yes, even installing a much heavier new roof can cause settlement issues. Its rare but it does happen more than you think.

What Happens When My Foundation Starts to Settle?

  • Walls begin to crack. Floors become uneven.
  • Windows and doors begin to stick and become out of square.



Piers and new concrete pads. Push and helical piers to lift and stabilize your foundation. Concrete pads if existing concrete has deteriorated beyond its life.


or Polyurethane geotechnical foam

  • Another newer method is the use of deep injected polyurethane foam to pressurize the soil below your foundation to stabilize and lift.
  • The age old use of mud or concrete slurry is still used on selected foundation slab settlement issues.
  • Both are used for mostly shallow footings.

So, What’s the Best Repair Method for My Foundation Settlement Problem?

There is no right answer to this question without a thorough investigation of the problems, the cause, and often financial consideration of you the homeowner. Key elements to consider are;

When did the settlement or foundation problems, (listed above) occur?

Is the problem getting worse?

Did you stop the cause, or is the cause ongoing?

How much are you willing to invest to repair and/or arrest the problem?

With that in mind, it’s time to consult with a foundation repair professional that understands not only what to look for, in determining the cause or multiple causes, but also can offer you enough information so you can make the best decision for your needs and requirements. You see, there are many options and methods to either repair a foundation back to its original condition or stop the settlement to reduce potential future damage. Which one is right for your foundation problem? We don’t know, not yet, but in many cases, what was perceived as a foundation issue, turned out to be something completely different. The key is, hiring the right profession that can work within your budget, to provide the best repair option for every dollar you spend.

In closing, we would like you to consider Foundation Repair Socal as your trusted advisor, to provide you with the best repair solution for your foundation problems.

Sinking or settling foundation

What causes foundations to settle? Foundations settle either from clay soil shrinking from lack of water, or from soils that are saturated enough to cause consolidation or collapse. Many times it is the weight of the soil on top of itself rather than just the house weight that causes the problem.

What causes foundations to heave? Heaving is caused by hard compact clays as they expand from water. Think of a dry sponge as it gets wet. In the Los Angeles Metro Area, heaving foundations are commonly misdiagnosed as settlement. Foundation heave, also known as slab upheaval is when a building’s foundation moves upward due to soil expansion. It’s usually caused by excess water, and can be a sign of a significant problems that can cause serious structural damage.

Concrete, Stucco, and mortar cracks

Cracks in you stucco and mortar are usually caused by temperature fluctuations, or foundation problems. Knowing the difference is key to determining if you have a foundation problem that needs professional attention.

Gaps and cracks

Gaps and cracks are the natural occurrence of minor settling of a foundation over time, or the curing of concrete. Its when they become larger and continue to grow that you should be concerned about potential foundation problems.

Foundation cracks

More severe cracks in your foundation. Movement due to expansive soils or erosion, tree roots, or water/sewer leaks can all cause your foundation to crack.

Sticking door and windows

Most sticking doors and windows are caused by a change in moisture or humidity in your house, but when they are combined with cracks in you walls, ceiling, or foundation, it may be a sign of something more serious.

Bowing or leaning basement walls

Southern California homes don’t usually have basements, but many hillside homes are constructed with large crawlspaces that experience the same problems. When you cripple wall is bowing, it indicates potential structural weakness or a potential problem called ‘downhill slip’, where your foundation id slowly sliding downhill. This is a serious problem that should be immediately resolved by a professional.

Our Promise To You

All of our employees at Foundation Repair Socal will be manufacturer certified and/or thoroughly trained to perform every single task, or repair, we perform on your structure.

We will self-perform all tasks, or notify you when we need to bring in a sub-contractor, or outside service provider for services.

We will keep you informed throughout the process, from inspection, through finished project, provide you with invoicing that adheres to your billing practices and schedules.

All our employees, vehicles, and equipment will be clearly marked, in proper working condition, and covered under one of our insurance policies, including workers compensation, general liability, and/or performance bonds where required.

Our employees have been thoroughly vetted, backgrounds checked, and regularly submit to voluntary drug/alcohol screening.

Areas We Serve

Foundation Repair Socal Service Areas – We proudly service residential customers in cities throughout Los Angeles, Kern, Orange, and Ventura Counties. We have an extended service area and travel throughout CA, NV, and AZ for commercial projects.

We offer consulting services worldwide, and government projects nationwide. We take pride in the long-standing relationships built within the respective communities we serve.

We are a partnering contractor with ECP or Earth Contact Products, an industry leader in manufacturing foundation repair solutions.

Since we’re right in your backyard, you can call us today at (661)-2940-1313 and schedule your free, no-obligation foundation inspection!

Our repair professionals bring peace of mind to your foundation settlement problems, concrete corrosion and structural problems, and rehabilitation needs.


Call (661)-294-1313